Saturday 12 December 2009

Nolan is 5 months old

He is the reason for my existence.

Thursday 8 October 2009

He'll be 3 months on Saturday :)

I wished that he would remind me of his Daddy...and he does. When he smiles, my heart smiles.

Thursday 13 August 2009

"Rolly Polly Nolie" with Uncle Matt. I love this picture :) (Nolan is 1month 1day)

Monday 20 July 2009

Not a day goes by

It's been 4 years today that I lost my Dad. Never a day goes by that I don't think of him or need his advice.
This year would have been so special to him, he would have been a Great Grampa.
Not only was he already a great Grampa, he was a gread Dad too.
I can already see his legacy live on in Nicholas. Nick was lucky enough to learn what it takes to be a wonderful Dad by the best teacher.
He is missed alot.

Friday 10 July 2009

Words escape me

Nolan Dennis, 7lb 11oz, 20 1/2", July 10, 2009, 8:32a.m.
Perfect and a miracle

Tuesday 2 June 2009

I love this...

I have a count down....30 days yippee!!!!!!

Sunday 10 May 2009

Mother's Day 2009

I am so very loved. It's wonderful.
The boys showed up around 2:00 with arm loads of groceries and accessories. Matthew loves cooking for a group and Nicholas agreed to be is assistant.
They cooked up a storm for Gramma, Cindy and I.
I was not allowed to go into the kitchen...ya, twist my arm.
They brought out an awesome bruschetta to start. Then we ate a beautiful pasta with salmon.
The last time Matthew cooked for Cindy and I the kitchen looked like a bomb went off, seriously, it was really bad. This time he cleaned the kitchen and left it exactly the way he found it. I was so impressed.
We finished dinner with a wonderful cream pie with added whipped cream, mmmmmmm.
The boys even refrained from their usual love taps (brutal bashing actually) with the small exception of a whipped cream thing, but they managed to control that too.
It was a wonderful, wonderful day. We went through a bunch of photo albums of the kids as babies. I managed to find some of their baby clothes and shoes to give Natasha.
I even beat Nick at Wii golf...he said he threw the game for "mother's day" but he didn't.
They also got me a digital photo frame complete with a whole bunch of wonderful pictures.
I am so loved...and so are they.
Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms, I hope you were as blessed as me.

Sunday 5 April 2009

St. Jacobs

Cindy and I went to St. Jacobs yesterday. The location was different but the theme was the same. I bought the pic on top, then Cindy bought me the bottom one. We froze our butts off but had a lot of fun. Cindy even managed to embarass me, it had something to do with a sausage and the vendor and of course Cindy's sense of humor!!!

It was a day to let the drama stay behind and just enjoy the day. We did.

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Here's a link to Momma's article that was in the Spec this week.

Monday 23 March 2009

Here's the silhouette of my grandson

She isn't due until July 2nd. She was over 10 lbs. when she was born and Nicholas was 11 1/2lb. when he was born. What do you suppose is in there?????

Sunday 22 February 2009


This is my grandson. He doesn't have a name yet but he is beautiful. He wil be born the first week of July. I am counting the seconds until I can hold him.

Monday 16 February 2009

A day worth celebrating

Today is the official 2nd "Family Day". I don't know if the American's have adopted this day or not.

Today we will celebrate what is most important in my life. I am not a terribly religious person (much to my son's dismay) but I do love and honour my family. It is so important to be a supportive member because, like we have found, you never know when you will be on the other end. We have faced far too many challenges these past few years and none of it would have been possible without the love and support of our spectacular family.

It all started with my parents. They taught three girls how to love each other and forever be there for each other. We all moved on, married and had our own children. We have each taught our kids the same lessons.

The result is an amazingly strong, supportive net that you know you can count on when this world dishes out some very tough lessons. Somehow we know that no matter what happens we are loved and supported.

If in my lifetime I leave nothing behind but the legacy of a strong and loving family then my work here is worthwhile.

Today I send my love to my Mom, Cindy, Shelley, Nicholas, Matthew, Tyson, Kyle, Aeron, Lisette, Nicole, Jake and all of theirs.

May the legacy live long...Happy Family Day.

Friday 30 January 2009

From the outside looking in

Here are a few unrelated observations I have made recently.

Marriage: Unless there are extenuating circumstances, like violence or in some instances, sexual preference :), the grass is never greener anywhere else. The exact same arguments will arise, the exact same aggrevations and insecurities will happen. We throw way too much away in hopes of finding happiness somewhere else. Happines is a choice we each make and no one else is resposible for our happiness...each of us is responsible for our own happiness. Marriage is sacred and should be worked on and nurtured on a daily basis. There really is no more important relationship to have.

Work (but life in general too): It is important to work as a team. Each of us should know the company agenda and work together to accomplish it. When a member is not fulfilling their role, it effects everyone. There can only be one outcome. If you are working for a company you don't believe in, leave, if you are working for a company where you insist on fulfilling your own agenda you will soon be asked to leave. Understand this principal and you will be well on your way to having a successful career.

Oh there is more wisdom where this came from but all in due time.

Thursday 1 January 2009

2008 reflection

Jan08 - I gained my independence from crutches and taxi cabs to buying my sweet sexy car
Feb08 - Cindy and I visited Shelley and family in Washington D.C.
May08 - Went to "girls weekend" with my sister then I turned the dreaded 50!
Jul08 - Mom and I visited Shelley and family in Washington D.C.
Oct08 - I went to Florida for an impromptu beach vacation with a Bolivian evacuated Shelley and kids. Then had surgery on my foot for the last time (I hope)
Nov08 - Found out I'M GONNA BE A GRAMMA
Dec08 - Thankful for a year of healing. I still miss David with all my heart but have chosen to be thankful for time I had with him. My foot has healed as well as it will ever be and is quite manageable.

My wish for 2009 is for a healthy, happy baby. I can't wait.
I'm also working on getting healthier myself. I now have a real reason to be as healthy as I can be. I want to be able to roll around on the ground with my baby just like my Nana Gayton used to do with us!

I wish you all a very happy and beautiful 2009.