Saturday, 21 July 2007

One obsticle over

David was admitted to the hospital yesterday to have fluid drained from his chest. He has been in constant "discomfort" for the past few weeks. One of the results of his CT is he has this fluid. Yesterday they drained almost 2 litres!!!! Who knew your poor chest was capable of holding this much fluid? How horrible it must have been for him. As soon as the first litre was drained he was, by far, more comfortable. They are slowly draining the rest of it over the next few days.

I'll be spending my days at the hospital but I will be reading and printing out all well wishes for him.

Thank you to all for the love. You may think we're not leaning on you but, trust me, we are.


Friday, 6 July 2007

Permission to slap me upside the head....

If I EVER complain that I am bored or my life is boring please slap me upside the head. I yearn for the day that I have nothing to do or nothing to worry about. Actually I feel like the inside of me is like a child throwing a hissy fit. Life is so friggin unfair! People hurt each other on purpose, good people get hurt bad and others get sick, other people just go missing from your life when you need them so much! RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
If you see yourself in this picture know that I love you but just wish there was nothing to worry about!