Saturday, 11 October 2008

My FLA time is almost up...

I've been here since last Saturday. Since then we have already moved to another beach house. You wouldn't believe the beauty of this place. It is a fully furnished 4 bedroom beach house. When you walk in the front door and look to the top of the staircase you see a WALL of wine. Seriously. There is a wall that holds 210 bottles of wine. It is very impressive and the rest of the house lives up to that reputation. Wow. We took Jake to his karate class where the stupid woman at the front desk asked it I was Shelley's Mother!!!!!!!! Then she made some excuse that she didn't have her glasses on!!! THEN she asked where I was from. She asked if it was always snowy in Canada and was shocked beyond belief when I told her our summers were just like here. I could have smacked her but I have taken that course about being nice and chose to ignore the bitch :)
We have gone to an arts festival, gone Cuban dancing. Neither Dylan, Shelley or I could keep up with that Latin beauty of ours, Lisette. She sure knows how to shake her thang and she loves to do it. We have had friends over and I met such a cutie, Carissa. We played down on the beach today. There are always places to take the kids or pick them up. It's endless. We shop a lot at Walmart and eat out enough too. I got my hair cut (not very good) and we had manis and pendis too. I have also dealt with so many memories of David here too. We pass the beach house that we were at in Nov06 every time we go out. It's really hard to see the ghosts of him even here! John flies in tonight for a week or so. Thank God they are getting a hotel tonight. Nicola and I will have all the kids here at the house. We're having a Canadian Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow then I will be home on Monday. I am so sad that Shelley and the kids were evacuated from Bolivia but I got an amazing beach vacation cause of it. I'm pretty sure that that 4 lb. loss over on the left side will be a gain by the time I get home but it will have been worth it. I'll just start AGAIN!!!Thanks Shelley for a wonderful vacation XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX


patsyrose said...

You'd better thank your wonderful Mommy for putting up with Yip and Yap, too!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Kimmie people just don't understand us at our advanced age. I am so glad Shelley went to a hotel smart move!!!!!!!
Karrissa absoulutely loved her day with you. She told us you were here best friend. Her only problem was that you ordered 538 cookies for dinner and you aren't supposed to eat cookies for dinner. (no problem with the amount) Loved seeing you so much you are such a special and wonderful person with so much ahead of you. I am glad I could share my babies with you if only for a day. Remember the invite is always open.
Love ya

Shelley said...

I love you, I love you, I love you! You helped make me feel settled here finally, thank you for putting up with our crazy life!!

Muchos besitos!!

Shelley said...

Oh, and it was ONLY 537 cookies! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Sorry you just can't trust those four year olds. They always make it worse than it is. Love ya.Kathy

Kim said...

You guys are soooooo much fun. I miss you already, everyone! And Momma, you know I love you and thank you. Kathy, Karrissa was a hoot. I love hearing that giggle. I can't WAIT for my own. Smelly, I love you.