Monday, 23 March 2009

Here's the silhouette of my grandson

She isn't due until July 2nd. She was over 10 lbs. when she was born and Nicholas was 11 1/2lb. when he was born. What do you suppose is in there?????


Shelley said...

So the C-section is scheduled for what day?? Hint Hint
But at the same time - what a beautiful belly!!!!

patsyrose said...

I just know he's in there waiting to meet all of us. He's going to be another Nicholas!!


Anonymous said...

What is in there? A handsome wonderful baby boy. I know you are getting more excited every day. Is there a name yet?

Kim said...

He wants "Benjamin", she wants "Logan", she says they kind of agreed on "Wesley", he says they absolutely haven't. Out of this mess my fave is Logan.

Anonymous said...

How about Benjamin Logan. I agree I like Logan best. But from my own experience it doesn't matter what us Grammy's think.

Kim said...

I'm pretty sure his middle name will be Dennis. That's my Dad's name and Nicholas was very, very close to my Dad.
I have made it very well known that I don't fancy 'Wesley' much. even so, if they named him Wesley it would grow on me as soon as I see his beautiful face.

Shelley said...

I'm with you on "Wesley" - yuck. But Benjamin Dennis or Logan Dennis sounds good! :-)

patsyrose said...

My vote is for Benjamin Dennis. Logan is nice, too, but I don't like Wesley at all. It's too stuffy for a little boy.

Grampa Dennis will love him even if he doesn't carry his name.
