This happens to me more and more often. Usually it is with my husband and he gets so mad at me. Today it was with the lady at the bank. It went something like this;
Her "So, I guess Enid is on vacation, where did she go?"
Me "She went to visit her son in Southern California then they drove up to (BLANK!!!) (pause) you know that big place where you stand on the edge and look down?"
Her "Ya, I know what you mean (BLANK!!) ya, that big empty thing!"
Me "Ya, like the Rocky Mountains in reverse!"
Her (pause) "The GRAND CANYON!!!"
Heavy, heavy laughter
Me "Ya that's it"
My life is like a great big...(pause)... What's that game?
Friday, 26 January 2007
Friday, 19 January 2007
Beautiful Snow

Last week we experienced an ice storm. This is an event that people in the southern climates could never appreciate. Everything is covered in 1/4" of ice. When the sun shines it is the most extraordinarilly beautiful sight I think I will ever see. Its very magical.
Today it is snowing very hard. But the snow flakes are light and fluffy. Another beautiful sight. I used to have a house that had large windows in the kitchen. On days like today I used to love making a coffee and just sitting by the wrap around windows day dreaming.
Then there are days like the other day when it is so freekin' cold the snot freezes in your nose. My Miami brother-in-law was horrified when he heard this! LOL
Today it is snowing very hard. But the snow flakes are light and fluffy. Another beautiful sight. I used to have a house that had large windows in the kitchen. On days like today I used to love making a coffee and just sitting by the wrap around windows day dreaming.
Then there are days like the other day when it is so freekin' cold the snot freezes in your nose. My Miami brother-in-law was horrified when he heard this! LOL
Saturday, 13 January 2007
Monday, 8 January 2007
There is nothing in this world so self indulgent as the taste of a truffle. Gently drop one in your mouth. Make sure you are sitting in a dimmed room with soft music playing in the back ground. First, you will taste the bitterness of the cocoa. Slowly let it melt in your mouth. The rich, soft, smooth, chocolatey, mmmmmmm.
When it has completely melted and the music stops, light a cigarette!! :)
When it has completely melted and the music stops, light a cigarette!! :)
Saturday, 6 January 2007
My Sisters
I am blessed beyond belief to have the two best sisters.
I happen to be the oldest of the three of us. I was definately the ground breaker but the middle sister was far more defiant than I can ever hope to be so she was the one that broke the rules that I broke ground by having. "DeeDee" and my Dad were so much alike. They were both very stubborn about anyone telling them what to do. I used to tremble in my boots when that little pipsqueek would stand up to my Dad. I could never figure it out but it didn't take long for her to earn my respect.
I remember when my Mom and Dad used to leave us in the car while they went grocery shopping. Imagine that? Quite common back in the day! Anyway, they must have taken "Smelly" with them cause she would only have been about 2. As soon as they shut the doors and were headed into the grocery store I would say something to set Cindy off. That old station wagon would be rockin'. Cindy would beat the crap out of me. She would have handfuls of my hair as a souvenir. It must have been a sight to see, there weren't tinted windows back then.
It wasn't until we grew up that I really appreciated who DeeDee is. She is the most non-judgemental person I have ever met. She is accepting of everyone without being naive. She is the one that is always ready to have fun. I know without a doubt that if I ever needed her she would be right beside me in a flash.
A long time ago, just after I had separated, my house was broken into while I was at work. When the kids arrived home they found the house had been tossed and called me. I was scared to death and sent them over to the neighbors immediately. I called the police, got home and got stuff back together. I don't even remember calling her, but Cindy was there. She ended up staying the night because we were all so scared. That night she earned another nickname "Bull Dog". She pretends to be so tough.
We tease her and tell her that she is married to the only man who would have her. She is a very free spirit and her husband has this incredible knack of giving her so much space before reeling her back to reality. She has three amazing kids who have inherited alot of their Momma's spunk...good...bad...?
Then there is the baby of the family. She is six years younger that me. No one fought with Smelly much. Although I remember she was so little I used to put my leg over her and she couldn't get out. She basked in our blazed trails then she added a few of her own. She had my Dad wrapped around her little finger. DeeDee and I couldn't believe the stuff she got away with! She went to school to be a nurse. She was only here until my oldest son was 2. He was the absolute apple of her eye and it didn't take long for him to be madly in love with her. There was definately a special bond.
Smelly moved to the States for better opportunities in nursing where she met the most perfect man I shall ever have the honor of knowing. She gets so mad at me for that. When we bitch about our men I usually tell her to shut up and do what he wants. That's how perfect this guy is.
Anyway, about Smelly, she is a very positive person. She will always find the silver lining in any situation. She has come through some very brutal and horrifying events. She never seems to be jaded by them though. Smelly is the most generous person I know. She never skips a beat when we invade her house and turn her life upside down for a week or so. It was because of their generosity that I was able to have the trip of a lifetime when they lived in over seas. They have lived in a million different cities and even a few different countries (then over seas, now South America!). They always consider these to be precious pages in their storybook life. They have three beautiful kids. Even though Smelly couldn't be by my side if I needed her (but you know what, she probably would be anyway), I always know she will be just a phone call, email, blog away.
There is nothing on this earth that is more important than family. Friends come really, really close but family is an unconditional love. I hope all of mine know that I will always be there for them until my last breath.
Briv bray little soldiers, briv bray.
(cheers Smelly, you made me cry with your beautiful Christmas card!!!!!)
I happen to be the oldest of the three of us. I was definately the ground breaker but the middle sister was far more defiant than I can ever hope to be so she was the one that broke the rules that I broke ground by having. "DeeDee" and my Dad were so much alike. They were both very stubborn about anyone telling them what to do. I used to tremble in my boots when that little pipsqueek would stand up to my Dad. I could never figure it out but it didn't take long for her to earn my respect.
I remember when my Mom and Dad used to leave us in the car while they went grocery shopping. Imagine that? Quite common back in the day! Anyway, they must have taken "Smelly" with them cause she would only have been about 2. As soon as they shut the doors and were headed into the grocery store I would say something to set Cindy off. That old station wagon would be rockin'. Cindy would beat the crap out of me. She would have handfuls of my hair as a souvenir. It must have been a sight to see, there weren't tinted windows back then.
It wasn't until we grew up that I really appreciated who DeeDee is. She is the most non-judgemental person I have ever met. She is accepting of everyone without being naive. She is the one that is always ready to have fun. I know without a doubt that if I ever needed her she would be right beside me in a flash.
A long time ago, just after I had separated, my house was broken into while I was at work. When the kids arrived home they found the house had been tossed and called me. I was scared to death and sent them over to the neighbors immediately. I called the police, got home and got stuff back together. I don't even remember calling her, but Cindy was there. She ended up staying the night because we were all so scared. That night she earned another nickname "Bull Dog". She pretends to be so tough.
We tease her and tell her that she is married to the only man who would have her. She is a very free spirit and her husband has this incredible knack of giving her so much space before reeling her back to reality. She has three amazing kids who have inherited alot of their Momma's spunk...good...bad...?
Then there is the baby of the family. She is six years younger that me. No one fought with Smelly much. Although I remember she was so little I used to put my leg over her and she couldn't get out. She basked in our blazed trails then she added a few of her own. She had my Dad wrapped around her little finger. DeeDee and I couldn't believe the stuff she got away with! She went to school to be a nurse. She was only here until my oldest son was 2. He was the absolute apple of her eye and it didn't take long for him to be madly in love with her. There was definately a special bond.
Smelly moved to the States for better opportunities in nursing where she met the most perfect man I shall ever have the honor of knowing. She gets so mad at me for that. When we bitch about our men I usually tell her to shut up and do what he wants. That's how perfect this guy is.
Anyway, about Smelly, she is a very positive person. She will always find the silver lining in any situation. She has come through some very brutal and horrifying events. She never seems to be jaded by them though. Smelly is the most generous person I know. She never skips a beat when we invade her house and turn her life upside down for a week or so. It was because of their generosity that I was able to have the trip of a lifetime when they lived in over seas. They have lived in a million different cities and even a few different countries (then over seas, now South America!). They always consider these to be precious pages in their storybook life. They have three beautiful kids. Even though Smelly couldn't be by my side if I needed her (but you know what, she probably would be anyway), I always know she will be just a phone call, email, blog away.
There is nothing on this earth that is more important than family. Friends come really, really close but family is an unconditional love. I hope all of mine know that I will always be there for them until my last breath.
Briv bray little soldiers, briv bray.
(cheers Smelly, you made me cry with your beautiful Christmas card!!!!!)
Tuesday, 2 January 2007
Something for Nothing
I'm not sure when I became so cynical, perhaps it is an age acquired trait.
I happen to live very close to Caledonia. We often travel up #6 to see how the protest is progressing. Actually progress has nothing to do with it. I see their flags boldly announcing their squat. I see their signs to sell cigarettes cheap. We have laws against advertising for cigarettes, don't we? I see the repaired road my taxes paid for when they set tires on fire in the middle of the street. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't get away with doing the same thing! I see their nice new cars that cost them thousands of dollars less than they would cost me.
I certainly do not consider myself racist. I am always willing to listen to both sides of a story. Frequently I feel sorry for the underdog. As far as the Native population goes, I am sure that hundreds of years ago they were taken advantage of. I don't disagree that there were probably alot of bad things that went on and a lot of these people suffered. The problem now is, how long do we have to pay for this crap? I am paying out of MY pocket for some person to sit on their ass all day long. I didn't do anything to hurt them IN FACT no one did anything to hurt them. I guess my great, great, great Grandfather (I don't know anyone that far back) took land from their great, great, great Grandfather (bet they don't know anyone that far back either!!) and I have to pay for it today?!?!?!?
The native population that has taken over Douglas Estates have trashed the once up and coming beautiful development. The houses that had been built have been burned. They have brought in some sad little shanty that they have put at the entrance to the 'Estates'. These people are squaters on our land, maybe 'their' land, who knows.
What I am sick and tired of is their bold defiance. They do not consider themselves Canadian! Where do you think they would take their children if they got sick? Who's roads do they drive on when they go to Tim Horton's? Who pays for them to sit on their butt all day denouncing my Country!
I have no idea what wealth my Great Great Great Grandparents had. I have worked hard my life to own the few precious things I own. I pay my taxes. Sometimes I grumble about paying them but deep down I love my Country and love the ammenities it provides me. This is the way my parents and their parents also lived. That much I do know.
I am well aware that there are Native Indians who have pride in themselves and have made a living for themselves. They have not settled for handouts from others. I am speaking about the ones who live on the 'reserve' and demand something for nothing. For the most part the houses are decrepid and very poorly kept. For the most part, these people drink too much and are poor representatives of their rich culture. They demand that we honour treaties that the brilliant minds of our time cannot unravel. They demand that we pay their way because their great, great, great grandparents were hard done by.
I've had enough of this crap. These people are no more entitled to handouts than I am. Maybe if they got off their butts and took care of themselves they would have a better outlook on life and less time to cry over something that happened way before any of us can remember.
Our government keeps asking us to be patient. For 10 months I have been patiently paying with each hard earned dollar I make.
I happen to live very close to Caledonia. We often travel up #6 to see how the protest is progressing. Actually progress has nothing to do with it. I see their flags boldly announcing their squat. I see their signs to sell cigarettes cheap. We have laws against advertising for cigarettes, don't we? I see the repaired road my taxes paid for when they set tires on fire in the middle of the street. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't get away with doing the same thing! I see their nice new cars that cost them thousands of dollars less than they would cost me.
I certainly do not consider myself racist. I am always willing to listen to both sides of a story. Frequently I feel sorry for the underdog. As far as the Native population goes, I am sure that hundreds of years ago they were taken advantage of. I don't disagree that there were probably alot of bad things that went on and a lot of these people suffered. The problem now is, how long do we have to pay for this crap? I am paying out of MY pocket for some person to sit on their ass all day long. I didn't do anything to hurt them IN FACT no one did anything to hurt them. I guess my great, great, great Grandfather (I don't know anyone that far back) took land from their great, great, great Grandfather (bet they don't know anyone that far back either!!) and I have to pay for it today?!?!?!?
The native population that has taken over Douglas Estates have trashed the once up and coming beautiful development. The houses that had been built have been burned. They have brought in some sad little shanty that they have put at the entrance to the 'Estates'. These people are squaters on our land, maybe 'their' land, who knows.
What I am sick and tired of is their bold defiance. They do not consider themselves Canadian! Where do you think they would take their children if they got sick? Who's roads do they drive on when they go to Tim Horton's? Who pays for them to sit on their butt all day denouncing my Country!
I have no idea what wealth my Great Great Great Grandparents had. I have worked hard my life to own the few precious things I own. I pay my taxes. Sometimes I grumble about paying them but deep down I love my Country and love the ammenities it provides me. This is the way my parents and their parents also lived. That much I do know.
I am well aware that there are Native Indians who have pride in themselves and have made a living for themselves. They have not settled for handouts from others. I am speaking about the ones who live on the 'reserve' and demand something for nothing. For the most part the houses are decrepid and very poorly kept. For the most part, these people drink too much and are poor representatives of their rich culture. They demand that we honour treaties that the brilliant minds of our time cannot unravel. They demand that we pay their way because their great, great, great grandparents were hard done by.
I've had enough of this crap. These people are no more entitled to handouts than I am. Maybe if they got off their butts and took care of themselves they would have a better outlook on life and less time to cry over something that happened way before any of us can remember.
Our government keeps asking us to be patient. For 10 months I have been patiently paying with each hard earned dollar I make.
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