Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Thelma & Louise Weekend

Well, Cindy and I are driving down to see Shelley and the gang on Thursday and will be returning on Monday. We have been calling it our "Thelma & Louise Weekend". Well I guess I haven't seen the movie after all. Apparently they drive their sports car off a cliff in the end. We will be taking my sports car but hopefully the tides of my luck have turned and we won't be encountering any cliffs. Um, second thought...please pray for us.


Shelley said...

Can't wait to see you guys! I'm heading to the store to buy ear-waxing candles!! :-)

patsyrose said...

Who is babysitting the puppies and why are you going in February?????

Kim said...

Aeron is staying here to look after my puppies and that little rat is coming with us. February because we have CABIN FEVER!!!!