This was the middle of the storm on March 8th.
My momma in Florida will be ever so thankful she's not here....cause she had to put on a sweater
My sista in DC will think it's cold in her neck of the woods too....cause she had to put on a coat.
My Aunts up north or in NFLD will say "that's nothing, you should see it here!"
So, you see, it's all relative. Really.
Hope everyone stays cozy no matter where you are.
It's not the snow that I hate so much but the drab, dreary, grey days. Florida is indeed the land of almost constant sunshine and I'm very grateful to be here!
By the way...it's warm, sunny, and I'm on my way to the pool.
dont' you just hate that mother of yours. we should duck her head in the snow......
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