Friday, 27 April 2007

One month gym anniverary!

I made it! One whole month of going to the gym! My goal was to lose 10 lbs. Only made 8 of that. Not too bad. I had my assessment last week. She told me that I wasn't eating enough! She said I was eating the wrong stuff. She gave me hell for the amount of salt I was eating! I am addicted to Strubb's more :( She suggested I eat more protein. She even suggested a glass of wine now and then. Wow. My problem has been my damn blood pressure. She couldn't even finish the assessment because my blood pressure was something like 180/120! It's never been that high. She told me I would have to go to my doctor to get clearance to use weights. That was on the 20th. I my low impact aerobic class on the 24th. During class I became dizzy and felt sick and felt like I was going to pass out. I slowed down until the feeling passed but it was aweful. When I got home I took my blood pressure and it had crashed...105/70 or something like that! Hopefully, with my doctors help, loosing weight and going to the gym I can get off blood pressure meds altogether.
My goal for next month is 10 more pounds...

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Tyson James...

Welcome back from University
Love and kisses
Auntie Kimmie

Thursday, 19 April 2007


Hope your day is filled with fun and happiness

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

They still call

My cousin blogged about her kids watching TV too much. It got me to thinking about what kind of mother I am. Like her, I started out wanting the very best for my babies. Their father and I decided I would stay home with them in the beginning. I loved every minute of it even though we sure could have used the extra income. I think it was worth it. Unfortunately circumstances happen that are beyond our control. There are so many regrets that I have and that I would change if I could in a heart beat. I feel so responsible for a lot of the struggles my kids have. If only....I'm guessing a lot of parents feel this way. Bottom line is most of us do the very best we can given the circumstances we are dealt. Both boys still call me almost every day (and not just cause they need something!). I am loved despite it all :)

My first time - Followup

Well, the game started at 7:00. I left right after work (5:00) to sign up. Too late, Todd got there just before me and got the last spot. We called Larry and Mandy but they were already on their way.
We got to play a side table though. Eight players. $20.00 each. I came in 4th. Not too bad for my first time! Mandy came in 5th, Larry came in 3rd and Todd won. We all did well.
As suspected, the multi denomonational chips were a lot of work trying to remember how much they were worth and how much I was supposed to be putting in the pot. I guess that will come with practice.
My luck...the place is closing down for renovations till mid May. We will return though!

Friday, 13 April 2007

My first time...

I think I have posted before about playing poker at lunch time. Four of us have been doing so for the past year or more. Tonight we are going to a "real" game. I am very nervous. It's a $20.00 buy in. I have never played with multi-denomonation chips and I have never played with people I don't know. I have so much fun playing at lunch time but this takes it to a new level...wish me luck! I'll keep you 'posted'. LOL

Also, happy, happy birthday to Uncle Leigh today and cousin Brent on Sunday. xoxoxoxox

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Do women know about that?

There are times in a man's life when the term 'significant shrinkage' is considered a bad thing, not for my hunny. In our case that is what the recent CT scan showed!!!!! David has been taking a new chemo drug since January. This was the first CT since then. We were beyond petrified (David especially) going to the meeting yesterday for the results. Our doctor came in and said congratulations there was "SIGNIFICANT SHRINKAGE". We are so relieved..this horrible roller coaster of a journey. Today, life is good.

Thursday, 5 April 2007


Matthew is fine. We couldn't get anything out last night. They will reassess today but it doesn't look good in the near future. He is with his wonderful brother & sister in law. He is stressed about getting all his things out of the apartment though. This is the article in the Spec today.

Monday, 2 April 2007

Hey Smelly,

Hope the clouds part and the sun shines bright on your day.
I love you tons, wish I was there to give you a big hug & kiss
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)