Tuesday, 2 January 2007

Something for Nothing

I'm not sure when I became so cynical, perhaps it is an age acquired trait.

I happen to live very close to Caledonia. We often travel up #6 to see how the protest is progressing. Actually progress has nothing to do with it. I see their flags boldly announcing their squat. I see their signs to sell cigarettes cheap. We have laws against advertising for cigarettes, don't we? I see the repaired road my taxes paid for when they set tires on fire in the middle of the street. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't get away with doing the same thing! I see their nice new cars that cost them thousands of dollars less than they would cost me.

I certainly do not consider myself racist. I am always willing to listen to both sides of a story. Frequently I feel sorry for the underdog. As far as the Native population goes, I am sure that hundreds of years ago they were taken advantage of. I don't disagree that there were probably alot of bad things that went on and a lot of these people suffered. The problem now is, how long do we have to pay for this crap? I am paying out of MY pocket for some person to sit on their ass all day long. I didn't do anything to hurt them IN FACT no one did anything to hurt them. I guess my great, great, great Grandfather (I don't know anyone that far back) took land from their great, great, great Grandfather (bet they don't know anyone that far back either!!) and I have to pay for it today?!?!?!?

The native population that has taken over Douglas Estates have trashed the once up and coming beautiful development. The houses that had been built have been burned. They have brought in some sad little shanty that they have put at the entrance to the 'Estates'. These people are squaters on our land, maybe 'their' land, who knows.

What I am sick and tired of is their bold defiance. They do not consider themselves Canadian! Where do you think they would take their children if they got sick? Who's roads do they drive on when they go to Tim Horton's? Who pays for them to sit on their butt all day denouncing my Country!

I have no idea what wealth my Great Great Great Grandparents had. I have worked hard my life to own the few precious things I own. I pay my taxes. Sometimes I grumble about paying them but deep down I love my Country and love the ammenities it provides me. This is the way my parents and their parents also lived. That much I do know.

I am well aware that there are Native Indians who have pride in themselves and have made a living for themselves. They have not settled for handouts from others. I am speaking about the ones who live on the 'reserve' and demand something for nothing. For the most part the houses are decrepid and very poorly kept. For the most part, these people drink too much and are poor representatives of their rich culture. They demand that we honour treaties that the brilliant minds of our time cannot unravel. They demand that we pay their way because their great, great, great grandparents were hard done by.

I've had enough of this crap. These people are no more entitled to handouts than I am. Maybe if they got off their butts and took care of themselves they would have a better outlook on life and less time to cry over something that happened way before any of us can remember.

Our government keeps asking us to be patient. For 10 months I have been patiently paying with each hard earned dollar I make.


patsyrose said...

Well written...well said! By their own deplorable actions, the native people have lost respect and credibility. It's a shame.

bluebird of paradise said...

wow! i wonder if we use that kind of rationale with the blacks in the southern states" pull your self up by the boot straps", never mind that less than a generation ago they couldn't go into a "white only restaurant,church , school, bus etc etc." there is such a thing as systemic and historical racism even in our own wonderful canada. it doesn't have to do with money yours or mine. it has to do with destroying a people's dignity , not to mention their soul.
we who have enjoyed privilege all our life sometimes can't see such indignities............

patsyrose said...

Sorry Marilee, but it isn't racism to expect someone to do for themselves. Just look at how well natives, blacks, or the poor do when they step out of that "poor me" attitude. I believe we destroy a people if we continue to aid them in being idle. Generations of unemployment and idleness destroys dignity and withers the soul.

Kim said...
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