Friday, 16 March 2007

Please read this

I often get emails about protecting yourself from fraud and people trying to compromise your identity. I guess I am pretty niave. I always thought people were just way too paranoid.

I got an email yesterday from "Royal Bank". It said that different computers were trying to access my accounts with many failed passwords before the logon. There was a website to go to that wanted me to confirm my passwords etc. It looked very legit. It was an address.
The thing is, I do not bank with RBC. I have not been on any RBC web sites. I sent this email to our provider's spam assassin with a note explaining that I do not bank with RBC.

They sent me a reply today that if I put my mouse over this link without clicking on it I would see that it takes me to quite a different site than what it looks like.

I found out that you can change the destination of any link.

Please, DO NOT follow any links via email. If you are curious, call the bank or go to their website from your google bar. NEVER through links.

Pretty scarey when it hits home.

1 comment:

patsyrose said...

You can also receive these fraudulent e-mails from Ebay and from PayPal. I don't even open the e-mail, let alone follow a link. Heaven knows, they might try to steal the $3.15 I have left in PayPal.