Thursday, 12 April 2007

Do women know about that?

There are times in a man's life when the term 'significant shrinkage' is considered a bad thing, not for my hunny. In our case that is what the recent CT scan showed!!!!! David has been taking a new chemo drug since January. This was the first CT since then. We were beyond petrified (David especially) going to the meeting yesterday for the results. Our doctor came in and said congratulations there was "SIGNIFICANT SHRINKAGE". We are so relieved..this horrible roller coaster of a journey. Today, life is good.


bluebird of paradise said...

oh kim
i am so happy to hear the good news. i bet you are breathing a big sigh of relief. celebrate!
love to dave

Kim said...

huge sigh..thanks auntie m

patsyrose said...

We only have today and tomorrow has to take care of itself. Your motto (live, love, laugh) will get you both through day at a time.