Thursday, 8 March 2007

International Women's Day

When I think of all the women in my life, Mom, Cindy, Shelley, Dana, Donna, Denise, Natasha, Sharon, Faye, Joyce, Donna, Marilee, Jackie, Aeron, Lisette, Nicole, etc. etc. I think it is funny to have "International Women's Day". All of my women are strong and independant forces. There is no question in my mind that females are the strongest yet most compassionate species. It is silly to designate a single day.

However, if having "International Women's Day" gives me the opportunity to tell my women that I love be it.

I am woman, hear me roar!


Shelley said...

Ya Baby! Smooch!!

patsyrose said...

My girls have grown into strong women. My little girls seem to have started out that way. And I'm becoming stronger the older I get. We are woman, we are strong, and we're not taking any more crap!