Saturday, 24 March 2007

There's no place like home

We had a wonderful impromptu (?) party at Faye's. Actually Faye was one of the few people who weren't there! No true, but anyway...
I thought we were going to be crashing a small party of Joyce & Larry, Marilee, Ashlee and her boyfriend. As it turned out Larry & Rochelle, Val & Rob and the kids, David & Erma, Adam & Yvonne, Brent & Mary were all there. We drank tons of wine (sorry Faye, don't forget to stock up on the way home) and laughed a bunch.
It's funny really how wonderful it was. With friends you are always aware of pretenses I guess. With family all of that doesn't matter. It's just warm and comfortable. I am often accused of being anti-social. Somewhat of a trait I inherited from my father I guess. But there is a lot to be said for the love and ease of family. It doesn't happen often enough.
David, Cindy and I went to another get together at Linda's today for Joyce's birthday. I saw relatives I hadn't seen for too long. I fell in love with Leslie's youngest "Sadie". She'll be 3 in a few days. Marilee and I fought for cuddle time. What a beautiful angel. I have to say I fell in love with Marilee too. You know, living and growing up in different provinces we haven't had a lot of time together. Somehow, the connection happens regardless. I know I have said it a million times and I will probably say it a million times more but family is very deep. What a wonderful weekend. Happy birthday to a timeless beauty, I hope you enjoyed all of this half as much as I did. (I know this will make Mom and Shelley cry...they missed out on a ton of fun, missed y'all xoxoxoxo)


Shelley said...

Sniff. Sniff.
Love you much!

patsyrose said...

Read my blog!

bluebird of paradise said...

it was so wonderful connecting with you and david again. sure hope you can make it to the reunion
love and kisses
auntie m