Tuesday, 29 January 2008


14 weeks post accident/ 11 1/2 weeks post surgery

Seems I am a super star! Michelle told me so. She's my new physio therapist. A lisfranc injury is very uncommon so when I spoke with Michelle on the phone I asked her to do some research before we met. She said that she knew she had heard of a lisfranc injury and remembered as something bad. When we met she said I have quite a bad injury. She proceeded to check my foot for flex and (whatever the opposite of flex is LOL). She looked at me like I was pulling her leg. Flex up is the same in both feet and flex down is close. There are some muscles in my foot that need to be strengthened but she was amazed at how much mobility I had. She said she fully expected me to come in with absolutely no movement in my foot. I explained to her that I was very stubborn and had been moving and exercising my foot often. She said I had probably done 90% of the physio I needed all by myself! She doubts I will need a month's worth of physio. I ROCK!!!! Plus, I am a very good healer. Go figure. She will do what she has to then give me direction when I can get back to the gym. As usual, I am thrilled with the progress. PS - had an appointment with Allison the Occupational Therapist and she is also blown away by my progress. She knows of another woman with lisfranc injury (last year) who has resumed running and is wearing heals and doing perfectly well. Allison said that she wasn't doing as well as me at my stage now. Ya baby!!

Friday, 25 January 2008

Kim Hammond

At last

Thursday, 24 January 2008

I am divorced...


Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Doctor's appointment

13 weeks post accident
10 1/2 weeks post surgery

Doctor says I am a good healer. I asked when I could wear proper shoes and give up this boot. He said I can wear regular shoes in the house if I am very careful but I have to wear the boot for two more weeks when I'm out. He rolled his eyes when I told him my foot feels really good, even when I'm walking barefoot (just around my bed). I didn't dare tell him I was driving too. I can start back at the gym in one month and will start physio now. We talked about the screws coming out in 8 months post surgery. I asked why they had to come out. His answer was because that's what they do. I asked him if they could just stay there if they weren't bothering me and he said yes. Why have surgery to remove them if they aren't bothering me? Just makes sense, plus Shelley already had that thought in my head (thanks Shmelly). I will probably still have swelling for the next couple of months because of the trauma, not unusual. I am thrilled with the progress so far. Just about ready to dance!

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Progress report

12 weeks post accident - 9 1/2 weeks post surgery... I cannot tell you how fantastic this week has been. I got my new car on Friday. I gave up the crutches on Friday night, I decided over the weekend that enough was enough and I was ready to drive again (still wearing the air cast). Getting back my independence means more than you will ever know. Things finally, I mean FINALLY started feeling normal. Still there is the swelling, but even that is getting better. My knee was really sore this week but for the first time today it feels better. The boot is kind of high so there is a bit of a teeter to my walk because of it, probably that's what is bugging my knee. Anyway, progress continues at a nicely rapid pace. Next doc appt. is next Tuesday.

Friday, 11 January 2008

Mine, all mine!!!!!!!!

It's in my driveway, I've been sitting in it patiently waiting to be taken to the MTO on Monday morning. I am so tired of waiting and waiting to be taken places. Come Monday morning all strings are being cut. No more taxi, no more help in the evening, no more help getting groceries, no more help being driven here or there. I'm tired of waiting and I will wait NO more. Look out world I am ready to go and I have the perfect ride to take me!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 10 January 2008

Coming real soon......

My "Mid-life Crisis"
Stay tuned.....

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Tootsie update...

11 weeks post accident, 8 1/2 weeks post surgery.

Today I walked next door to Tim Hortons. First time since October! One hand for the crutch, one hand for the coffee! Life is good. Swelling is still an issue and so is the desperate need of pedicure. But all in due time I suppose.

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

My Toe Toes

10 weeks post accident...7 1/2 weeks post surgery...
Here is my progress. If you saw the picture from November 27th you would understand. If you have a real strong tummy go back to that date, I have since added the pic. There is still a little scab on the scar but no infection. My toes are still a bit swollen, can't seem to get a handle on that and the colour is a bit pinker than my good foot. Other than desperately needing a pedicure I am thrilled with my progress. I have started putting some weight on my foot (with the aircast on) and it seems weird. It will take some time before I am walking properly, for sure, but the progress is exciting.