Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Tootsie update...

11 weeks post accident, 8 1/2 weeks post surgery.

Today I walked next door to Tim Hortons. First time since October! One hand for the crutch, one hand for the coffee! Life is good. Swelling is still an issue and so is the desperate need of pedicure. But all in due time I suppose.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kimmy - looking good! Once you have mastered walking to Timmy's, it will be time to hit the LCBO!

Kim said...

Tipsy enough without alcohol! But that's really no different LOL

patsyrose said...

You should contact Tim Horton's about doing a commercial for them...first outing for the healing tootsies.

Shelley said...

I think your toes look beeeeeautiful!!