Tuesday 13 February 2007

What do I believe in?

My Mom got me thinking the other day. I commented on her post about angels.

I have spent my working life in the accounting realm. I think I have been successful in this field because I love things that are balanced. I border on psychotic about things being 'right'. I have been known to remove staples just to make sure all the papers are aligned properly. I go nuts with perforated papers. I like things that are black or white..clearly defined.

Perhaps this is also the reason I don't believe in a God. I don't believe in angels or life after death.

I do believe however, that you are only given as much as you can handle. I do believe that good things happen to good people and bad people get 'theirs' in the end. I believe that we are here and we should do something that leaves our mark after we die.

Then I wonder who is it that gives you only what you can handle? Who makes good things happen to good people and who makes sure the bad people get 'theirs'?

Hummmmmmmmmm ?!?!

1 comment:

patsyrose said...

The reason I believe in a life after death is because this life we live now doesn't make sense. It has to be a training period for the real thing.

Why do we spend so many years of our lives doing meaningless things like acquiring wealth, toys, and objects? Why do some waste while others are in desperate need?

There is no logic to this life so I can't believe there isn't something better...somewhere.